Engage in higher visibility, IGNITE! during increased opportunities and re-imagine partnerships at OPSC Events.
Engage for over 10 hours with 200+ attendees comprised of decision makers, influencers, and leaders at OPSC Events. The exhibit area, located near all event activities, is host to the reception, beverage and snack services, encouraging attendees to visit
during meals and session breaks.
IGNITE! A one-on-one meeting environment style exchange where exhibitors/event partners are able to meet directly with decision makers and influencers in an exclusive focused environment. During IGNITE! partners*
will have seven (7) minute meetings with up to eight (8) D.O.'s. Participants must be a Gold, or Platinum Level Exhibitor or an Event Conference Partner
Re-Imagine how your company participates by becoming a Partner. Available in three exhibiting
levels and multiple partnerships. Partners have choices; exhibit, event partner, network and IGNITE!
Annual Convention: Fun in the Sun 2025 | February 28 - March 2, 2025, VEA Resort, Newport Beach, CA
Fall Conference: CME by the Bay 2025 | August 28-31, 2025, Hyatt Monterey, CA
Annual Convention SILVER PACKAGE
Silver Exhibit Table: Located in the event networking area.
One (1) six (6') skirted table,
One (1) representative,
Listing in app and recognition on conference signage and website.
Annual Convention GOLD PACKAGE
Gold Exhibit Table: Central location in the event networking area. One (1) six (6') foot skirted table, two (2) representatives, listing in app, recognition on event signage and website.
One (1) "Push" notification during the event.
Features one (1) ticket to IGNITE! the exclusive one-on-one meetings event wherein a participating partner can meet with up to 8 physicians one-on-one for up to 7 minutes each.
Post- event attendee registration list.
Annual Convention PLATINUM PACKAGE
Platinum Exhibit: Premium location in the event networking area. One (1) six (6') skirted table, two (2) representatives, listing in app and recognition on conference signage and website.
The ability for one (1) representative to attend the educational sessions and claim CME credits, if they qualify.
Included in a Conference Partner focused Email distributed to event attendees.
One (1) "Push" notification during the event.
Pre & Post conference attendee lists
One (1) ticket to IGNITE! the exclusive one-on-one meetings event wherein a participating partner can meet with up to eight (8) physicians one-on-one for up to seven (7) minutes each.
Fall Conference SILVER PACKAGE (Not available as a stand-alone purchase until May 2025)
Silver Exhibit Table: Located in the event networking area.
One (1) six (6') skirted table,
One (1) representative,
Listing in app and recognition on conference signage and website.
Fall Conference GOLD PACKAGE (Not available as a stand-alone purchase until May 2025)
Gold Exhibit Table: Central location in the event networking area. One (1) six (6') foot skirted table, two (2) representatives, post conference attendee list, listing in app, recognition on event signage and website.
One (1) "Push" Notification during the event.
Features one (1) ticket to IGNITE! the exclusive one-on-one meetings event wherein a participating partner can meet with up to 8 physicians one-on-one for up to 7 minutes each.
Included in a Conference Partner focused email distributed to event attendees.
Fall Conference PLATINUM PACKAGE (not offered as a stand-alone purchase until May 2025)
Platinum Exhibit: Premium location in the event networking area. One (1) six (6') skirted table, two (2) representatives, pre & post conference attendee lists, listing in app and recognition on conference signage and website.
This package also includes the ability for one (1) representative to attend the educational sessions and claim CME credit, if they qualify.
Focused Email distributed to conference attendees.
One (1) ticket to IGNITE! the exclusive one-on-one meetings event wherein a participating partner can meet with up to 8 physicians one-on-one for up to 7 minutes each.
One (1) App "Push" notification reminding attendees to visit your table
Sale Price: $5,625 (Savings of $625) Sale ends December 31, 2024
Provides recognition and visibility throughout the year with featured placement on the OPSC Corporate Partner webpage.
Includes: Annual Convention PLATINUM Fall Conference PLATINUM
Features a ticket to IGNITE!, the exclusive private meetings event.
Includes one (1) E-Blast during the year to be distributed to the OPSC database.
Sale Price: $4,725 (Savings of $525) Sale ends December 31, 2024
Provides recognition and visibility throughout the year with featured placement on the OPSC Corporate Partner webpage.
Includes: Annual Convention GOLD Fall Conference GOLD
Features a ticket toIGNITE!, the exclusive private meetings event.
** All exhibitors have the opportunity to add up to two more attendees to their package. Each additional attendee is $400. Please note that no more than two (2) representatives are to be at the exhibit table at one time.
Please note that any purchase made through our website for an Exhibitor or Event Partner opportunity is subject to review and approval by the Osteopathic Physician & Surgeons of California. All applicants will be notified once a decision is
Thursday, February 27th*
Friday, February 28th*
8:30 am - 9:00 am
Exhibits Set-Up
7:30 am - 9:00 am
Breakfast w/Exhibitors
10:00 am
Registration Opens
8:30 am - 9:15 am
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Networking Lunch w/Exhibitors
8:30 am - 4:45 pm
Lectures 7 Workshops
12:00 pm - 3:10 pm
11:40 am - 2:40 pm
Lunch w/Exhibitors
3:10 pm - 3:30 pm
Break w/Exhibitors
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Break w/Exhibitors
3:30 pm - 5:35 pm
3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
Exhibitor Tear Down**
5:35 pm - 6:30 pm
Welcome Reception
*Schedule is subject to change. **Exhibitors are able to tear down between 3:45pm and 5:15pm while attendees are in session. Exhibitors must have their exhibit areas clean and clear before the sessions break at 5:35pm. Those that choose to tear down after 5:30pm are asked to do so after the attendees have departed.
Presidents Event Host - Welcome attendees to the event, recognition on event signage, opportunity to bring up to (4) guests. Two (2) VIP tables at the event. Included on the convention website as a partner.
Exhibitor Theater - Host a one-hour non-CME theater. Does not include any F & B (3 Opportunities)
Five-minutes to introduce your company at the BoD Dinner (1 Opportunity) Recognition on all event partner signage, the convention website and at the board meeting.
Yoga & Healthy Start Snacks (3 Opportunities) Recognition at the event.
Opportunity to host breakfast, signage & collateral displayed (3 Opportunities)
Opportunity to host the Mid-Morning Break signage & collateral displayed. (2 Opportunities)
Opportunity to host the Afternoon Break signage & collateral displayed. (3 Opportunities)
Badges - Company name or logo on the attendee badge (2 Opportunities)
Lanyards - Company name or logo alternating with the OPSC logo. Includes both the Annual Convention and the Fall Conference. Includes recognition on the event partner signage and website.
Lunch Partnerships - Company materials placed on all tables in the luncheon networking area and one (1) E-blast to attendees in advance of the event, one (1) App push notification during event. (3 Opportunities). Recognition on the event partner signage and on the convention website.